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Record of the vehicle's coupling device

The registration of the approved coupling device in the registration certificate of Part II or the cancellation of such registration is the responsibility of the vehicle holder and the owner of the vehicle to be notified within 30 days from the date on which this fact occurred.

On the basis of the agreement with MDVRR SR, the recording of the approved device for connecting vehicles of an already registered vehicle (additional assembly) was modified. 

The above-mentioned entries for connecting devices of the GUĽA 50" type (not a steering wheel, etc.) for vehicles of category L7e, M and N will no longer be carried out by the district authorities for road transport and land communications from 1.1.2014, but this responsibility will be transferred to the relevant traffic inspectorate.

Vehicles of categories O, T, C and R must be equipped with a connecting device directly from the manufacturer; in this case, it can only be a matter of replacing the connecting device.
Vehicles of the PS category cannot be equipped with a coupling device, unless otherwise specified when the vehicle was approved.
Other entries according to Act no. 106/2018 Coll. remain unchanged (these are other approved systems and separate technical units, LPG, other conversions, etc.)


CHANGE: From 1 December 2019, according to Act no. 393/2019 Coll. it is possible to apply for this change at any traffic inspectorate.

CHANGE: As of August 1, 2019, requests to register a vehicle in the vehicle registry and requests to make a change in the vehicle registry are no longer submitted.

When registering the coupling device, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to prove his identity and submit:

  • certificate of registration part II and part I or affidavit of loss, theft or damage, if the certificate was stolen or lost, or confirmation of retention of certificate of registration part I or part II; if the certificate of registration part I or part II was seized abroad and the official translation of the confirmation of its seizure, this does not apply to the seizure of the certificate of registration part I or part II in the Czech Republic,

  • a valid certificate of liability insurance for damage caused by the operation of a motor vehicle,

  • power of attorney, if the holder or owner of the vehicle is represented, with an officially certified signature of the power of attorney and

  • proof of approval of the connecting device, which may be
    a) EC type approval
    b) homologation
    c) national type approval by an authority in the Slovak Republic
    d) confirmation issued by the vehicle manufacturer or the vehicle manufacturer's representative.


If the vehicle owner or vehicle holder requests registration of a coupling device that was used on another vehicle, it is necessary for the original vehicle owner or vehicle holder to first register the dismantling of the coupling device.

If the vehicle is equipped with a coupling device with a removable coupling ball of class A50-X without the use of tools, this ball must be removed if it is not used to connect to a trailer or to another device, for example a bicycle carrier.

The authority of the Police Force collects a fee of 6 euros for the issuance of each registration certificate, part I and part II, that is, together12 euros.
If, in connection with the change of data, a new Part II registration certificate was issued by the district office, the Police Authority will only collect a fee of 6 euros for the issuance of the Part I registration certificate.

However, if the procedure for the expedited issuance of the certificate of registration part I is applied, the authority of the Police Force will collect a fee of 30 euros for this document, while the fee of 6 euros will no longer be collected.




This confirmation serves for the registration of the coupling device in the vehicle documents of the relevant state authorities authorized to carry out such registration.

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This confirmation serves for the registration of the coupling device in the vehicle documents of the relevant state authorities authorized to carry out such registration.

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This confirmation serves for the registration of the coupling device in the vehicle documents of the relevant state authorities authorized to carry out such registration.

Information about the operation of vehicles


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